O milionário e excêntrico britânico Richard Branson, inaugurou em 17/10/2011, o aeroporto espacial, Spaceport America, no deserto do estado do Novo México, de onde a Virgin Galactic espera lançar voos comerciais para o espaço.
Branson inaugurou a obra, estourando uma garrafa de champanhe no hangar, e desceu de rapel do topo do prédio, depois que um grupo de artistas, executou a mesma façanha.
"Sir Richard Branson inaugura a nova casa da Virgin Galactic no Spaceport America, primeiro aeroporto espacial comercial do mundo (...) que servirá como centro de operações para a Virgin Galactic e deverá hospedar duas WhiteKnightTwo (nave-mãe) e cinco SpaceShipTwo", diz um comunicado divulgado pela empresa.
Uma multidão acompanhou um voo de demonstração da WhiteKnightTwo, que, um dia, será ocupada por turistas espaciais. Cento e cinquenta pessoas que têm reserva para os primeiros voos, assistiram à exibição.
Susana Martínez, governadora do Novo México entregou as chaves da construção a Branson, fundador da Virgin Galactic, em um evento acompanhado por centenas de pessoas, entre elas o presidente-executivo da linha aérea espacial, George Whitesides, seu diretor comercial, Stephen Attenborough, e o astronauta Buzz Aldring.
Branson disse à rede de TV CNN, que esperava lançar uma nave ao espaço em um ano. "Isso poderia ser o começo de uma era completamente nova de viagens espaciais, que seria a das viagens comerciais", indicou.
A empresa espera ainda lançar satélites a um custo bem menor, que o dos programas estatais, e, possivelmente, oferecer viagens intercontinentais em alta velocidade.
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Richard Brason, visionário e executor futurista. |
The eccentric British millionaire Richard Branson, launched on 10.17.2011, the spaceport, Spaceport America, in the desert of New Mexico, where Virgin Galactic expects to launch commercial flights into space.
Branson inaugurated the work, popping a bottle of champagne in the hangar, and rappel down from the roof, after a group of artists, performed the same feat.
"Sir Richard Branson opens the new home of the Virgin Galactic Spaceport America, the first commercial spaceport in the world (...) which will serve as a center of operations for Virgin Galactic and WhiteKnightTwo will host two (mother ship) and five SpaceShipTwo" says a statement issued by the company.
The crowd watched a demonstration flight of the WhiteKnightTwo, which one day will be occupied by space tourists. One hundred and fifty people who have reservations for the first flight, attended the exhibition.
Branson inaugurated the work, popping a bottle of champagne in the hangar, and rappel down from the roof, after a group of artists, performed the same feat.
"Sir Richard Branson opens the new home of the Virgin Galactic Spaceport America, the first commercial spaceport in the world (...) which will serve as a center of operations for Virgin Galactic and WhiteKnightTwo will host two (mother ship) and five SpaceShipTwo" says a statement issued by the company.
The crowd watched a demonstration flight of the WhiteKnightTwo, which one day will be occupied by space tourists. One hundred and fifty people who have reservations for the first flight, attended the exhibition.
The governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinez, governor of New Mexico gave the keys of the building Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic, an event accompanied by hundreds of people, including the chief executive of the airline space, George Whitesides, his commercial director Stephen Attenborough, and astronaut Buzz Aldring.
Last month, Branson told CNN, he hoped to launch a spacecraft into space in one year. "This could be the beginning of a completely new era of space travel, which would be the travel business," he said.
The company also expects to launch satellites at a cost much lower than the state programs, and possibly offering high-speed intercontinental travel.
Last month, Branson told CNN, he hoped to launch a spacecraft into space in one year. "This could be the beginning of a completely new era of space travel, which would be the travel business," he said.
The company also expects to launch satellites at a cost much lower than the state programs, and possibly offering high-speed intercontinental travel.
A moderna e futurista Brasília, capital do Brasil, em forma de "avião", vista do espaço sideral.
The modern and futuristic Brasilia, Brazil's capital in the form of "plane", as seen from outer space.